London's last working passementerie weaver and maker and one of the last of a long line of passementeriers to be trained within what is now an exinct London industry, Jessica Light is known for making innovative, design-led passementerie that is hand-woven and hand-made to order in her East London workshop using techniques dating back to the 16th century. All the elements from colour to material to concecpt are highly considered to create unique collections of tassels, trims, tiebacks, rosettes and one-off bespoke pieces, and Jessica uses these historic skills, like a potter using throwing techniques, as a means to create original passementerie deigns that go beyond the traditions of percieved passementerie.
Her work spans the worlds of interiors, couture, fashion, film and retail and she also offers a bespoke design and colour-matching service.
The passementerie pages show her recent collections as well as her extensive archive which can all be ordered from as is or changed to suit customer specifications. For information on how to order please get in touch.